How Is Your Employee Health and Dental Plan Working for You?

If you have a health and dental plan through your employer, consider yourself fortunate. Between the basic health care services covered by provincial government plans and your workplace plan, many of your health expenses may be covered. There may be gaps, though. To see whether you should top up your employee group plan with private coverage of your own, ask yourself these questions:

a family on the floor together

Is your family covered under your employee group plan?

Some workplace plans only cover the employee working for them. If this is the case, you’ll want to ensure your family’s health care expenses are covered. A private health and dental plan can help cover costs like prescription drugs, dental procedures, eyeglasses or contacts – and these can add up. Planning ahead to cover the gaps between your provincial plan and your workplace coverage can ensure your spouse and children have the coverage they need.

Is your current plan covering all your family’s health care needs?

Some workplace plans are comprehensive, while others are more basic. If you’re finding that coverage on dental, drug or drug costs is too low, consider supplementing your current employer plan with a plan of your own. In this case, submit to your workplace plan first, then submit any remaining balance to your private plan for reimbursement.

Do you (or your family) have orthodontic expenses coming up?

Braces can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on how complicated and lengthy the treatment is. Government plans don’t cover this. If your current work plan has a limit or doesn’t cover orthodontics at all, this is a great reason to get an individual plan.

Do you (or your family) wear eyeglasses or contact lenses?

While your government plan covers a certain number of annual eye exams depending on your age, it doesn’t cover the cost of glasses or contacts. If your workplace plan has a low coverage limit – a private plan can help cover these costs.

A private health and dental plan doesn’t end when you change jobs.

A great benefit of a private plan is that it gives you and your family uninterrupted coverage, wherever your career leads. Plus, when you start your new job, you won’t have to worry about not being covered while you wait for your new plan to start.

Taking care of your health coverage now ensures you’ll be ready for the future.

As we age, our health costs tend to increase. Being proactive about coverage now can help you avoid costly expenses later. Talk to a Licensed Life Insurance Advisor at CAA about building a personal Health and Dental Insurance plan that’s right for you and your family. It’s complimentary advice without any pressure to buy. Connect with an Advisor by calling 1-888-444-6711, book an appointment online at a convenient time for you or visit here to get a quote.